英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2024-06-03 13:41:52
  • 双语例句

1. Baleen is a tough, flexible substance which comes from the mouths of some whale species.

2. In your day, whales supply two important resources: whale oil and baleen.

3. Other baleen whale s are the blue, fin, gray, humpback, and sei whale s and the rorqual.

4. baleen whale什么意思

4. But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.

5. It is much deeper than a baleen whale would dive, says Clarke.

6. The only way to harvest whale oil and baleen is to hunt them at sea.

7. This is the baleen whale, the largest animal in the world.

8. One group of whales has, instead of teeth, long strips of bone, hanging from their upper jaw. This is the baleen whale, the largest animal in the world.

9. One group of whale s has, instead of teeth, long strips of bone, hanging from their upper jaw. This is the baleen whale, the largest animal in the world.

10. baleen whale

10. Baleen traps prey when the whale expels water.

Baleen traps prey when the whale expels water.(布赖德鲸通过排出水流就可以捕食猎物。)
One group of whales has, instead of teeth, long strips of bone, hanging from their upper jaw. This is the baleen whale, the largest animal in the world.(有一类鲸鱼,用从上额骨垂下来的长条状的骨头代替牙齿,它就是须鲸,是世界上最大的动物。)
But it is easier to hear the baleen whale, with its lower-frequency call, than the beaked whales, says Theriault.(但是,Theriault说,和喙鲸相比,须鲸发出的叫声频率更低,更容易听到它发出的声音。)
There is a known as the "tiger of the sea" killer whale, sometimes dozens of head formed a group, surrounded by a more than 30 tons of baleen whales, a few hours ate it up.(有一种号称“海中之虎”的虎鲸,有时好几十头结成一群,围住了一头三十多吨重的长须鲸,几个小时就把它吃光了。)
Surfacing in warm winter waters off the Baja California coast, a gray whale flashes its baleen plates by a boat.(下加利福尼亚海岸(BajaCaliforniacoast)附近,在冬日温暖的海水里,一条灰鲸浮在水面上,露出了鲸须板,旁边是一条船。)
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